5570, avenue Jean-Paul Cardinal,
Montreal-North, QC
H1G 4W1
Email: marc.mancini@manciniarbmed.ca
Website: www.manciniarbitrage.ca
Online schedule (Quebec): www.monarbitre.ca/arbitres/marc-mancini
Online schedule (Ontario): www.arbdates.com/on/arbitrator/marc-mancini
Primary Jurisdiction
Quebec, Ontario and Federal jurisdiction.
Arbitration Practice
In practice since 2023; bilingual arbitrator.
LL.B. (UQÀM) 2009; LL.M. (UQÀM) 2016; LL.D. candidate U. Sherbrooke (diploma expected in 2025).
Standard Fees for Cancellation
For Quebec:
- For applicable fees in Quebec, please see my fee chart at the following address:https://www.travail.gouv.qc.ca/publications/liste-par-themes/arbitrage/liste-des-arbitres-de-griefs-et-de-differends-incluant-les-tarifs-de-remuneration-selon-larticle-77-du-code-du-travail/les-arbitres-ordre-alphabetique/marc-mancini/
For Ontario: applicable fees
- Daily fees: $4,000.00 (this rate applies to the entire file, including the pre-hearing conference and drafting of the arbitration award)
- Indemnity in the event of withdrawal, settlement, or postponement before the hearing date:
- $500.00 if more than 30 days before the hearing
- $2000.00 if between 7 and 30 days of hearing
- $3000.00 if between the same day and 7 days before the hearing
- $4000.00 if the same day of the hearing
- Allowance and other expenses
- Travel allowance: $150 / hour if travelling outside a 50 km radius of the office, real time.
- Meals and accommodation: actual costs
- Transportation costs: $0.70/km – actual costs (if travelling by other means of transport)
Université du Québec en Outaouais, Département des sciences administrative & Département des relations industrielles, Adjunct Professor, 2022-present; Montréal Centre-Sud Integrated University Health and Social Services Human Resources, Communications and Legal Affairs Directorate, Lawyer 2021-2023; Université du Québec à Montréal, Faculté de science politique et de droit, Adjunct Professor, 2019-present; Université de Sherbrooke, Faculté de droit, Adjunct Professor, 2019-present; Université du Québec à Montréal, Associate Director of Labour Relations, 2018-2021; Montréal West Island Integrated University Health and Social Services, Head of Legal Affairs & Lawyer, 2016-2018; Prévost, Fortin, D’Aoust LLP., Associate, 2014-2016; Mercier, Leduc LLP., Associate, 2013-2014; École Nationale de Police, Lecturer, 2013-2014; Gowling WLG, Associate, 2012-2013; Castiglio & Associés LLP., Articling student and Associate, 2010-2012.
Lists and Panels
On the Ministry of Labour list in Quebec as an arbitrator according to section 77 of the Quebec Labour Code since May 1, 2023.
On the list of approved grievance arbitrators by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development of Ontario since July 23, 2024.
Professional and Labour Relations Associations
Member of the Quebec Bar since 2010.
Member of the Canadian Bar Association since 2024.
Related Publications
La preuve et la procédure en arbitrage de griefs: les aspects juridiques, 2nd edition, Montreal (QC), Wilson & Lafleur, 2021, with Frédéric Poirier and Stéphanie Lalande.
Les relations de travail dans les organisations policières, 2nd edition, Montréal (QC), Yvon Blais, 2020, with André Fiset, Patrick Verret and Éliane Beaudry.
La compétence relative au droit au retour au travail du travailleur accidenté : valse-hésitation entre l’arbitre de grief et la commission des lésions professionnelles, Master of Laws, Thesis, UQAM, 2016.
Les relations du travail dans les organisations policières, Cowansville (QC), Yvon Blais, 2016, with André Fiset and Laurence Léonard Leroux.
Traité de déontologie policière au Québec, 2nd edition, Cowansville (QC), Yvon Blais, 2015, with André Fiset and Karine Landreville.
Traité de déontologie policière au Québec, Cowansville (QC), Yvon Blais, 2011, with André Fiset.
Arbitrators are invited to send awards to decisions@lancasterhouse.com. In an effort to facilitate access to justice, Lancaster House forwards all awards it receives from arbitrators to CanLII.