
Chris Monfette was called to the Alberta Bar in August of 2018 and is now an Associate Lawyer at Neuman Thompson. Chris spent his articling year at a mid-size global firm in Edmonton primarily focusing on litigation which included numerous employment, commercial, and environmental files. Chris now practises in all areas of labour and employment law, and has experience defending wrongful dismissal claims, restrictive covenants, workplace safety, and other areas of employment and labour law.

Chris graduated from the University of Alberta Faculty of Law in 2017. During school, Chris was president of one of the faculties men’s recreational hockey teams, the Litigators. He also represented the University of Alberta in the 2016 Hockey Arbitration Competition of Canada (HACC) at the University of Toronto, following an in-house competition at the Faculty of Law.

Prior to earning his Juris Doctor, Chris earned his Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Alberta’s School of Business, majoring in finance. Outside of the practice of law, Chris enjoys numerous sports including hockey, baseball, and golf. He also likes to spend time relaxing with his wife and their dog.