Cynthia Watt is the vice-president of AMAPCEO, Ontario’s professional employees’ union. AMAPCEO represents over 17,000 professional public servants who work directly for the government (Ontario Public Service) across Ontario and in 10 countries worldwide or as public servants within 12 Ontario healthcare agencies, regulatory, and Legislative Offices.
Prior to being elected to a fifth term as vice-president, Cynthia served as chapter chair (local president) for the learning ministries, employee relations committee representative, and workplace representative (known in other unions as steward). Cynthia leads AMAPCEO’s Education and Equity Committees and, most recently, lead the development and roll out of an Anti-Racism Action Plan to improve AMAPCEO’s internal structures, policies, procedures, and practices so that the principles of equity, anti-racism, and anti-oppression are firmly embedded in the union. This plan complements the Equity Lens previously developed to help the union — its members, activists, and staff — to be consistent and deliberate in moving equity and inclusion forward across their communications, activism, member support, and education. She also leads AMAPCEO’s team to the Ontario Public Service’s (OPS) multi-bargaining agent table, and co-chairs a number of joint-OPS employer committees.