Dr. Dionne Pohler is an associate professor at the University of Saskatchewan Edwards School of Business and the department head in Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour. She is also the Co-operative Retailing System Chair in Co-operative Governance with the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy and the Canadian Centre for the Study of Co-operatives and holds a status faculty appointment with the University of Toronto Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources.
Dionne’s research has focused on the impact of employment laws, organizational governance, unions, and human resource practices and systems on employee and organizational outcomes, as well as labour and social policy implementation, the gender earnings gap, the impact of COVID-19 on organizations and workers, and rural co-operative economic development.
Dionne was a founding board member of Co-operatives First, a non-profit organization dedicated to working with rural and Indigenous communities to address the needs identified by community members. She was also the vice-chair of an independent taskforce that undertook a review of the federal Employment Equity Act in 2022.
Dionne holds a BComm. from Dalhousie University and a Ph.D. in Human Resources and Industrial Relations from the University of Alberta School of Business.