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Elana Fleischmann is the former head of the provincial Dispute Resolution Office, a central government resource for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services within the Ontario Public Service (OPS). In 2000, she established a private consultancy firm operating under Elana Fleischmann & Associates, specializing in workplace dispute resolution for public and private sector clients. Elana has mediated hundreds of workplace mediations between small groups to those involving over 200 individuals or teams, and has also conducted over sixty workplace restorations in the public sector. She has taught mediation as an Adjunct Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School (19 years) and at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Law (5 years). Elana has participated as a member of the Executive of the Ontario Bar Association, ADR Section.

Elana holds an LL.M. in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) from Osgoode Hall Law School at York University.