
Based in Calgary, Alberta, Jennifer Hawkins works as a neutral investigator, mediator, and trainer. Jennifer became a member of the Government of Canada’s national roster of workplace harassment and violence prevention investigators in 2021. In 2022, she was appointed by the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC) as an Independent Investigator/Assessor member of the OSIC Investigation Unit and Sport Environment Assessment Unit.

She approaches her work with a trauma-informed lens, having completed several specialized trainings, including Forensic Experiential Trauma Informed Investigations (2017, Mount Royal University); Principled Engagement with Indigenous People (2021, University of British Columbia); and Mediation and Conflict Management (2022, Harvard Law School).

Since her call to the British Columbia Bar in 2006 (Alberta Bar in 2017), Jennifer has practised exclusively in the areas of employment, labour, and human rights law.