
Meena Brisard joined the Hospital Employees Union (HEU) as its secretary-business manager (SBM) in the summer of 2021. As the SBM, Meena serves as the chief executive officer of the HEU and provides leadership to both the operational and political wings of the union. She is responsible for leading and managing HEU staff according to the strategic directions set out by convention and the HEU Provincial Executive Board. Meena is the union’s spokesperson and the primary point of contact for HEU stakeholders.

In 2022, Meena led negotiations for the Facilities Bargaining Association (FBA) through more than seven months of challenging negotiations on behalf of 60,000 health care workers. Working with the FBA bargaining committee, she secured one of the most comprehensive collective agreement settlements in the union’s history including significant wage and COLA adjustments, and a long-overdue process to address deep wage cuts made by the BC Liberals in 2004.