
Dr. Paul Kershaw is an award-winning professor at the University of British Columbia (UBC), public speaker, regular media contributor and Founder of Generation Squeeze. Gen Squeeze is a Think and Change Tank promoting wellbeing for all generations by championing generational fairness to preserve what Canadians hold sacred—a healthy childhood, home, and planet. Kershaw received the UBC President’s Award for Public Education through the Media in 2023; the award for Academic of the Year in 2016 from the Confederation of University Faculty Associations of BC; and twice the Canadian Political Science Association has honoured Kershaw with national prizes for his gender and politics research. He received the award for B.C.’s Affordable Housing Champion in 2017, and the Government of Canada’s award for excellence in moving “Knowledge to Action” on housing in 2018. His work has directly influenced many policy areas, including $10/day childcare, the National Housing Strategy, pollution pricing, taxation of housing wealth, and the recent rejection of the Bloc Quebecois proposal to increase OAS for rich and poor retirees alike. Kershaw teaches at the UBC School of Population & Public Health.