
For over 30 years, Sean McManus has provided advice to Canadian unions, associations, and their members. After being called to the Alberta Bar in 1991, Sean acted on behalf of several trade unions including the largest public sector union in Alberta.

In 1997, Sean moved to Ottawa to accept the position of Canadian Director with the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). In 2000, he was appointed IAFF Assistant to the General President for Canadian Operations. In 2002, Sean left the position with the IAFF to represent IAFF members in private practice from his home province of Alberta. In 2005, he opened the firm of McManus & Hubler with his partner Jodi Hubler. Sean acts for IAFF affiliates in eight provinces and two territories. Sean is also privileged to act as IAFF Canadian Legal Counsel and in September 2021 was appointed Assistant to the General President for Canadian Operations by the IAFF General President.