Stephanie Yang Morris is legal counsel at MLT Aikins LLP with a practice focus on labour, employment, and human rights matters.
In addition to her time with MLT Aikins LLP, Stephanie served as senior in-house legal counsel with the Brandt Group of Companies, and also worked at SaskTel as legal counsel and the Human Resources Director of Industrial Relations, Compensation, and Benefits. She now represents both provincially and federally regulated employers and provides advice on a wide variety of labour and employment issues, including everything from day-to-day advising, drafting workplace policies, employment contracts, collective bargaining, restructurings, occupational health and safety, and human rights matters.
Stephanie has appeared before all levels of courts in Saskatchewan, the Canada Industrial Relations Board, the Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board, the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, the Immigration Appeal Division, boards of arbitration, and human rights tribunals.
Stephanie is a proud mom, professional snack dealer, doer of cartwheels, and killer of houseplants. When she is not cleaning sticky toddler fingers or floor lego décor, she enjoys skiing, travelling, kitchen dance parties, and ruining nice walks with golf.