
Tel: (604) 691-2554
Email: vready@arboffice.ca

Vince Ready has worked in labour relations since 1965, when he became a representative and organizer for the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers (Canada). Between 1967 and 1978, Mr. Ready worked as an organizer, staff representative, troubleshooter, and area supervisor for the United Steelworkers of America.

In 1978, Mr. Ready commenced his practice as a third-party neutral when he was appointed Conciliation Officer for the Federal Government, Mountain Region. Later, he acted as a mediation officer for the Government of British Columbia.

In 1982, Mr. Ready established his private arbitration/mediation practice. Presently, he is active in every province and territory of Canada, and is named in over 600 collective agreements. He has arbitrated and/or mediated over 5,000 labour and commercial disputes in Canadian industries, including, but not limited to: forestry, heavy construction, grain, aviation, mining, hospitality, firefighting and police, and healthcare.

Recipient of the 2012 Bora Laskin Award.