
Wendy is a Nurse Practitioner, Certified Respiratory Educator, Program Lead for the COPD Outreach/COPD Telehome Monitoring Program, and Coordinator of the Regional Post-COVID Condition Rehabilitation Program at The Ottawa Hospital (TOH). Wendy is a member of Health Quality Ontario’s COPD Advisory Committee and Ontario Health’s Post-COVID Condition Advisory Committee. In addition to her work at The Ottawa Hospital for the past 29 years, Wendy served as Faculty – Clinical Lead with the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (CFHI) for the INSPIRED COPD Outreach Scale Collaborative. She has helped design, implement, and evaluate various local, provincial, and national clinical programs.

As coordinator of the Regional Post-COVID Condition Rehabilitation Program, she triages, assesses, and provides education to individuals referred to the program. Additionally, she is part of the Ontario Rehabilitation Care Alliance Post-COVID Clinical Advisory Committee, seeking ways to improve the care of individuals with Post-COVID Condition who are struggling with symptoms impacting their day-to-day function and quality of life.