October 1, 2024
An employer’s obligation to protect workers from harassment is not limited to harassment by other employees and managers; it also may extend to harassment perpetrated by members of the public. Such situations present special challenges In this panel, Lancaster’s expert speakers will address issues relating to third-party harassment in the workplace, such as:
- What type of conduct constitutes harassment by customers, patients, students or other members of the public?
- Does an employer have an obligation to protect employees from harassment by the public on the company’s social media sites? How does this interact with rights that members of the public may have to express themselves freely?
- What policies or practices can employers put into place to proactively guard against harassment by clients and other members of the public? How is this affected by the nature of the worksite (e.g. educational institution, health care setting, etc.)?
- What steps should an employer take to conduct an appropriate investigation into harassment by a member of the public? What challenges exist when the alleged third-party harasser will not comply with the investigation?
- What types of legal actions and remedies are appropriate where an employee has been harassed by a member of the public?