Labour Relations Certificate – Fall (Virtual Program)
Virtual EventIn association with: Upon completion of this program, participants will receive a certificate of completion and a digital credential. [...]
In association with: Upon completion of this program, participants will receive a certificate of completion and a digital credential. [...]
Moderator Devyn Cousineau Vice-Chair, Case Management and Assignments BCHRT Speakers Sharan Basran Senior Executive of Legal and Counsel Ontario [...]
Moderator Amy Bradbury Employer Counsel Wickwire Holm John McLuckie Union Counsel Jewitt McLuckie & Associates LLP Speakers [...]
Program Leader Michelle Phaneuf Mediator & Psychological Health and Safety Advisor Workplace Fairness West Program Faculty [...]
Conference Co-Chairs Annie McKendy Arbitrator, Mediator, and Investigator Caroline Richard Employer Counsel Bird Richard Troy Winters Senior Health and Safety Officer [...]
Moderator Ronni Nordal Arbitrator Nordal Law Speakers Matthew Certosimo Employer Counsel Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Jessica [...]
Program Leader Michael Lomax Mediator High-conflict behaviour is characterized by unmanaged emotions, extreme reactions, preoccupation with blaming others, [...]
Program Leader Margaret Tebbutt Senior Consultant and Trainer Workplace Mental Health Program Faculty Gretchen Brown Union Counsel British Columbia [...]
Bargaining in the Broader Public Sector Conference Conference Co-Chairs Chantel Kassongo Employer Counsel Neuman Thompson Cherie Langlois-Klassen Union Counsel Blair Chahley Klassen Conference [...]
Moderator Scott StreinerArbitrator/MediatorADR Chambers Speakers Judith Parisien Employer Counsel Fasken Aaron Lemkow Legal Officer Public Service Alliance [...]
Program Leaders Sean Ryan Vice Chair Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal Carissa Tanzola Employer Counsel Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti Maryth [...]
Bargaining in the Broader Public Sector Conference Conference Co-Chairs Meena Brisard Secretary - Business Manager Hospital Employees' Union (HEU) James Suderman Executive Director, [...]