Lancaster’s Workplace Essentials: Tackling progressive discipline issues
Virtual EventModerators Keith Burkhardt Employer Counsel Sherrard Kuzz Jessica Greenwood Union Counsel Ravenlaw Speakers Odessa O'Dell Employer [...]
Moderators Keith Burkhardt Employer Counsel Sherrard Kuzz Jessica Greenwood Union Counsel Ravenlaw Speakers Odessa O'Dell Employer [...]
In association with: Program Leader Bob Thompson Adjunct Professor University of Toronto Centre for Industrial Relations and Human ResourcesProgram Faculty Reg Pearson [...]
Moderator Anne Wallace Arbitrator/Mediator Speakers Michael FisherUnion CounselRaven LawApril KostenEmployer CounselDentonsShawna MeisterAssociate Director, Innovation and Evidence in [...]
Moderator Ken Stuebing Union Counsel Caley Wray Shana French Employer Counsel Sherrard Kuzz Speakers Gabriel Joshee-Arnal [...]
Moderator Karen SnowshoeArbitratorSnowshoe Law Speakers Dorothy Christian Associate Director, Indigenous Policy & Pedagogy Simon Fraser University Veronica [...]
Conference Co-Chairs Loretta Bouwmeester Employer Counsel Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark LLP Wade Poziomka Union Counsel Ross & McBride [...]
Moderator Cathy Knapp Arbitrator/Mediator Speakers Meghan Burton Organization Development Advisor Mental Health Commission of Canada Jack [...]
In association with: Upon completion of this program, participants will receive a certificate of completion and a digital credential. [...]
Moderator Devyn Cousineau Vice-Chair, Case Management and Assignments BCHRT Speakers Sharan Basran Senior Executive of Legal and Counsel Ontario [...]
Moderator Amy Bradbury Employer Counsel Wickwire Holm John McLuckie Union Counsel Jewitt McLuckie & Associates LLP Speakers [...]
Program Leader Michelle Phaneuf Mediator & Psychological Health and Safety Advisor Workplace Fairness West Program Faculty [...]
Conference Co-Chairs Annie McKendy Arbitrator, Mediator, and Investigator Caroline Richard Employer Counsel Bird Richard Troy Winters Senior Health and Safety Officer [...]