When employees conduct personal matters at work, are they subject to discipline or dismissal for “time theft”? Are employers permitted to track employee activity to ensure that wages reflect hours worked? In this webinar, experts will provide practical advice on the scope and limits of employer surveillance and responses to employee “time theft.” Specifically, panelists will address.
- What constitutes employee “time theft”?
- What is the impact of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and proposed changes in the federal Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2022 (Bill C-27), on the legality of employer surveillance?
- When assessing the reasonableness of employer surveillance, is the nature of the workplace relevant? Is the sensitivity of the information relevant?
- Does an employer need reasonable suspicion of “time theft” before introducing surveillance?
- What balance are adjudicators striking between an employer’s right to ensure productivity and an employee’s right to privacy? Is the scope of surveillance different for remote workers?
- What disciplinary measures have adjudicators and arbitrators found appropriate for “time theft”?
- Are there any limits to an employer’s retention of employee information obtained through surveillance? Are employers, arbitrators, and adjudicators permitted to use previously tracked information?
- How should workplace policies and collective agreements best address “time theft”?
Additional Information
Valuable, up-to-date materials and case summaries will be available for downloading from our website. Each webinar is accompanied by a PDF of concise summaries of the cases discussed.
Live webinar, video, and MP3 bundle – $440
Live webinar – $275
Video and MP3 – $275
(Registrations must be paid in advance of the webinar)
Please contact us by email, or by phone at (416) 977-6618, for discount pricing for additional participants and group orders.
Webinar video and MP3 files are available for $275. Those who have purchased the live webinar may purchase the corresponding downloadable video and MP3 file for the discounted price of $165.
The video recording, MP3 file, and materials are available for download and viewing one business day after the live webinar. After purchasing, you will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to access and download the video recording, MP3 file, and materials by visiting My Account and selecting Order History. For purchases for upcoming webinars, once the video recording and MP3 file and materials are available, registrants will receive an update e-mail informing them that the links are now ready.