Gender Equity Virtual Conference: Paving the way to inclusive workplaces
Virtual EventThis event takes place from 12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET Gender Equity Virtual Conference Conference Co-Chairs [...]
This event takes place from 12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET Gender Equity Virtual Conference Conference Co-Chairs [...]
Toronto Human Rights and Accommodation Conference Conference Co-Chairs Sarah Atkinson Labour Arbitrator and Mediator Bonny Mak Employer Counsel Fasken Martineau [...]
In association with: Upon completion of this program, participants will receive a digital credential from Toronto Metropolitan University. Daphne TarasProfessor and DirectorCentre for [...]
Moderator Sara Slinn Arbitrator and Mediator Sara Slinn Mediation/Arbitration Associate Professor Osgoode Hall Law School York University [...]
In association with: completion of this program, participants will receive a certificate of completion and a digital credential. Program Leader Daphne Taras [...]
Atlantic Labour Law Conference Conference Co-Chairs Chris Peddigrew Arbitrator / Mediator / Investigator Peddigrew Wade Law Leah Kutcher In-House Counsel [...]
Moderator Madeleine Loewenberg Lawyer, Workplace Investigator, and Mediator Speakers Dr. Dwayne Van Eerd Scientist Institute of [...]
Each day goes from 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. E.T. Program Leader Jennifer Wootton Lawyer & Workplace Investigator Workplace harassment investigations require processes [...]
Moderator Heather Ann McConnell Arbitrator/Mediator Speakers Mike Hamata Employer Counsel Roper Greyell Alison McEwen Union Counsel Ravenlaw Parm Sandhar Bargaining Representative Hospital Employees' [...]
Moderator Danna Morrison Arbitrator/Mediator Danna Morrison Mediation & Arbitration Inc. Vice-Chair Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) Speakers Sebastien Anderson Union Counsel Labour Rights [...]
Sponsored by: We would like to thank Field Law for their generous sponsorship of the 42nd Annual Labour Arbitration and Policy Conference presented by [...]
Both days start at 12:00 p.m. ET Both days end at 4:30 p.m. ET In partnership with the University of Toronto Centre for [...]