Interest Arbitration Police Services Workshop and Grievance Arbitration Police Services Workshop

Seasoned experts will address key issues and trends in arbitration in the police sector, as reflected in recent arbitration awards across Canada.


  • Each workshop: $600
  • Both workshops: $1,020

Register Now

Headshot of Christ Albertyn.

Chris Albertyn

Headshot of Thomas A. Roper.

Tom Roper K.C.
Labour Relations Counsel

Nini Jones
Labour Relations Counsel

Interest Arbitration Police Services Workshop:
Current issues, proven practices

Virtual Event
Friday, October 11, 2024
12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET

Attendees can expect to learn principles and practices relating to the following:

  • Selecting an arbitrator
  • Preparing for mediation and arbitration
  • Presenting briefs and documents at arbitration
  • Check out the event page for more details!

Grievance Arbitration Police Services Workshop:
Current trends, contested issues

Virtual Event
Monday, October 28, 2024
12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET

Panelists will explore recent decisions relating to current issues including the following:

  • Discharge and discipline
  • Benefits and benefit-related issues
  • Human rights and discrimination
  • Check out the event page for more details!