Announcing program faculty: 2023 Labour Relations Certificate

Fall 2023 Lancaster–Toronto Metropolitan University Labour Relations Certificate Program: Announcing program faculty

Program Faculty

  • Bruce Curran, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba
  • Chris Davidson, Senior Program Lawyer and Researcher
  • Colin Johnston, Mediator/Arbitrator
  • Avner Levin, Professor, Lincoln Alexander School of Law, Toronto Metropolitan University
  • Archana Mathew, Intern, Arbitrator Development Program, formerly Grievance Officer, OPSEU
  • Frank Miller, Instructor (Sessional) Lecturer, Faculty Advisor – HR/OB Co-Op Program
  • Dionne Pohler, Associate Professor, University of Saskatchewan
  • Bob Thompson, Professor, Human Resources, Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
  • Jennifer Wootton, Lawyer & Workplace Investigator