Grievance Arbitration Police Services Workshop: Current trends, contested issues
Virtual EventSpeakers Chris Albertyn Arbitrator Tom Roper K.C. Labour Relations Counsel Nini Jones Labour Relations Counsel Monday, October [...]
Speakers Chris Albertyn Arbitrator Tom Roper K.C. Labour Relations Counsel Nini Jones Labour Relations Counsel Monday, October [...]
Moderator Sarah Atkinson Arbitrator/Mediator Speakers Shannon Carson Union Counsel Myers LLP Michael Horvat Employer Counsel Aird [...]
Bargaining in the Broader Public Sector Conference Conference Co-Chairs Teresa Haykowsky Employer Counsel McLennan Ross LLP Patrick Nugent Union Counsel Nugent [...]
Bargaining in the Broader Public Sector Conference Co-chairs Anthony (Tony) Glavin Union Counsel Koskie Glavin Gordon Adriana Wills Employer Counsel Harris & Company [...]
Moderator James Cameron Arbitrator/Mediator Cameron Mediation Arbitration Speakers Chris Bryden Union Counsel Ryder Wright Blair & Holmes Roxana Jangi Employer Counsel Dentons Canada [...]
In association with: Upon completion of this program, participants will receive a digital credential from Toronto Metropolitan University. Daphne Taras Professor and DirectorCentre [...]
Facilitator Chantelle MacDonald Newhook K.C., Q.Arb Arbitrator, Mediator, Workplace Investigator Dispute Winners Vice-Chair Newfoundland and Labrador Labour Relations Board This virtual program is [...]
Moderator Sheilagh Murphy Arbitrator, Mediator, and Independent Workplace Investigator MacNab Fagan & Murphy Speakers Kimberly Boara Alexander Employee Counsel KBA Partners LLP Dianne [...]
Bargaining In The Broader Public Sector Conference Conference Co-Chairs Adrienne Lei Union Counsel Dewart Gleason Cheryl Wiles Pooran Employer Counsel PooranLaw Conference Advisory [...]
Moderator Karine Pelletier Adjudicator Manitoba Human Rights Commission Vice-Chairperson Manitoba Labour Board Speakers Alison McEwen Union Counsel RavenLaw LLP Dallan Poulin Employer Counsel [...]
Program Leader Sean Ryan Speakers Diana Sanginesi Carissa Tanzola Program Details This full-day session will provide an overview of the WSIB appeal process [...]
Speakers Dr. Charl Els Psychiatrist, Addiction Specialist, and Occupational Physician Clinical Professor Department of Psychiatry and Department of Medicine University of Alberta [...]