Webinars On Demand
With over 50 workplace topics to choose from, we make it easy to find the information you’re looking for. Our storehouse of 90-minute MP3s brings together the collected wisdom and experience of leading union and management counsel as well as neutrals and subject matter experts from across the country. In addition, each MP3 is accompanied by a PDF of concise summaries of cases discussed by the experts.
Can We Be Friends? Navigating workplace interactions in an increasingly conflicted world
Moderator Judith Allen Arbitrator, Mediator and Workplace Investigator Arbitration Investigation Mediation (AIM) Speakers Terry Downey Union Representative SEIU Local 1 Canada Eleni Kassaris Employer Counsel Dentons Jen Magnus Founder/President Magnus [...]
Recovering the Balance: Practical guidance on flexible work, the right to disconnect, and avoiding burnout
Moderator Mireille Giroux Vice-Chair Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) Speakers Meghan Burton Organization Development Advisor Mental Health Commission of Canada Tahir Khorasanee Employer counsel Steinbergs LLP Sogol Naserian Union Counsel [...]
Adapting to an Older Workforce: Accommodation, benefits, retirement options
Moderator Colin Johnston Mediator Arbitrator Colin Johnston Mediation Arbitration Services Inc. Speakers Randy Slepchik Union Counsel Jewitt McLuckie & Associates LLP Cristina Wendel Emplyer Counsel Dentons [...]
Lancaster’s Workplace Essentials: A primer on remedies for breach of the collective agreement
Moderator Maheen Merchant Speakers Gabriel Joshee-Arnal Employer Counsel Neuman Thompson Heather L. Robertson Union Counsel Gerrand Rath Johnson July 18, 2024 In [...]
Returns that Work: Expert guidance on navigating the return of injured or ill employees to work
Moderator David Mombourquette Chairperson New Brunswick Labour and Employment Board Speakers J.D. Gilmour Manager of Employee Abilities and Return to Work for Health PEI Dana F. Hooker Employer counsel DLA [...]
Extraordinary Harms, Extraordinary Remedies: Learning from exceptional damage awards in human rights and arbitration cases
Moderator Jeff Palamar Arbitrator and Lawyer Taylor McCaffrey Speakers Thelma Zindoga Employer Counsel Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Balraj Dosanjh Pensions Counsel Cavalluzzo LLP [...]
Charting Vital Signs: Examining current caselaw and legislation in the healthcare sector
Moderator Danna Morrison Arbitrator/Mediator Danna Morrison Mediation & Arbitration Inc. Vice-Chair Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) Speakers Sebastien Anderson Union Counsel Labour Rights Law Meg Atkinson Union Counsel Kastner Ko [...]
Language Matters: Expert guidance on crafting inclusive collective agreement clauses
Moderator Heather Ann McConnell Arbitrator/Mediator Speakers Mike Hamata Employer Counsel Roper Greyell Alison McEwen Union Counsel Ravenlaw Parm Sandhar Bargaining Representative Hospital Employees' Union (HEU) Sundeep Gokhale Employer Counsel Sherrard [...]