Webinars On Demand
With over 50 workplace topics to choose from, we make it easy to find the information you’re looking for. Our storehouse of 90-minute MP3s brings together the collected wisdom and experience of leading union and management counsel as well as neutrals and subject matter experts from across the country. In addition, each MP3 is accompanied by a PDF of concise summaries of cases discussed by the experts.
Untangling the Web: Sorting out administration and accommodation issues in sick leave, LTD, STD and workers’ compensation claims
Moderator Madeleine Loewenberg Lawyer, Workplace Investigator, and Mediator Speakers Dr. Dwayne Van Eerd Scientist Institute of Work & Health Brad N. Cocke Lawyer Cooperwilliams Truman & Ito LLP Niiti Simmonds [...]
Lancaster’s Workplace Essentials: Understanding the scope and limits of management rights
Moderator Sara Slinn Arbitrator and Mediator Sara Slinn Mediation/Arbitration Associate Professor Osgoode Hall Law School York University Speakers Allie Laurent Employer Counsel McLennan Ross Caitlin Meggs Union Counsel Victory Square [...]
Discrimination and Harassment: Experts examine recent cases, emerging trends
Moderator Scott Sterns Arbitrator and Mediator Speakers Heather Ann McConnell Arbitrator/Mediator Justina Sebastiampillai Employer Counsel Stikeman Elliott Andrea Johnson Union Counsel Gerrand Rath Johnson April 18, [...]
Disabilities that Elude Diagnosis: Accommodating employees with undiagnosed or poorly understood conditions
Moderator Lynne Poirier Arbitrator/Mediator Vice-Chair, Canada Industrial Relations Board Speakers Sevda Mansour Legal Counsel Ontario Nurses' Association Dr. Shawn Marshall Full Professor Department of Medicine University of Ottawa The Ottawa [...]
Making a Fair Assessment: Evaluating credibility from an EDI perspective
Moderator Paul Love Arbitrator and Mediator Speakers Tonie Beharrell Lawyer and Workplace Investigator Southern Butler Price LLP Connie Cheung Employer Counsel Sherrard Kuzz LLP Amarkai Laryea Union Counsel RavenLaw Dr. [...]
Shaken to the Core: When will a breach of trust justify termination?
Moderator Paul Love Arbitrator and Mediator Speakers Christine Poirier Senior Advisor to General Counsel and Chief of Labour Relations and Special Projects Officer Professional Institute of the Public Service of [...]
Asset or Adversary? Examining AI’s impact on work and labour relations
Moderator George Filliter Arbitrator and Mediator Filliter Arbitration and Mediation Services Inc. Speakers Donald Jordan Employer Counsel Harris & Company Peter Lewis Canada Research Chair, Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Associate Professor, [...]
Annual Labour Law Update: The Latest Cases and Legislative Developments
Moderator Elaine Doyle Arbitrator and Mediator Arbitration and Mediation Services Speakers Ian Pickard Employer Counsel McInnes Cooper Alycia Shaw Labour Relations Counsel Air Line Pilots Association [...]